L2 Scaling Solution Arbitrum implementerer Nitro Rollup Stack Migration

Lag to (L2) skaleringsløsning Arbitrum afslørede onsdag, at teamet har implementeret projektet’s Nitro rollup stak migration. Tidligere på måneden, Arbitrum-udviklere bemærkede, at Nitro-migreringen ville reducere netværksgebyrer og forbedre gennemstrømningen. Arbitrum Developers Implement

Cardano Vasil Hard Fork udsat for at give mulighed for flere tests

A The Input-Output Global (IOG) team has said it will postpone sending the Vasil hard fork update proposal because it still needs to solve seven outstanding bugs that are currently ranked as non-severe. While acknowledging that the news will likely be

Cardano Spikes som tilhængere forventer Vasil Hard Fork, Afstemning viser, at ADA forventes at ramme $1 inden udgangen af ​​juni

I løbet af de sidste syv dage, the cryptocurrency cardano has increased in value by 17.3% mod U.S.A. dollar, as the community anticipates the upcoming Vasil hard fork, an upgrade that aims to improve the networks throughput and enhance smart contract capabilities….